Loan Simple, Inc is the preferred Redding VA lender in Northern California. We close VA loans for our VETS and keep the loan for the life of the loan. Redding Ca VA loans are, in my opinion, one of the best home loans available. If you are a Veteran this is by far the best loan you could have if you are looking to get 100% VA financing in Redding Ca. This video gives you everything you need to know on how to qualify, and everything you will want to avoid. 

100% Financing

Lower Payments

Easier to Qualify

No Monthly Mortgage Insurance

Streamline Refinances available

Closing Costs can be covered by the seller


Pete never gave up his supporting me in correcting my credit, and he patiently guided me throughout this lengthy VA loan process of several months. Mr. Pete, is one of a kind loan broker who will never give up on a client.

-Mr. Bartholomew


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